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About Central Silk Board

Central Silk Board was established in 1948 and has been functioning under the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India to cater to the needs of the sericulture industry across the country in both Mulberry and Vanya (Non-mulberry) sectors through a wide network of Research and Development Institutes and the extension mechanism. CSB supports the sericulture industry by way of extending R & D, Extension and Human Resource Development (HRD) facilities to suit to the local requirements of varied agro-climatic situations of the country prevailing tropical to temperate regions. Central Silk Board has set up of Research Institutes and seed organizations across the country to cater to the needs of the stakeholders in the relevant areas.


To make India Atma-Nirbhar in production of import substitute international grade Bivoltine silk by 2022

Inclusive Development

Focus on inclusive development of small and marginal framers including women and tribal/SCs

Sericulture Promotion

Promotion of Indian Silk in domestic and international markets

Pioneer in R&D

Research & Development and frontline demonstration of technology

Objectives of CSB

  • To make India Atma-Nirbhar in production of import substitute international grade Bivoltine Silk by 2022.
  • Focus on inclusive development of small and marginal framers including women and tribal/SCs.

Mandate of CSB

  • Research & Development and frontline demonstration of technology
  • Maintenance of four tier silkworm seed production network.
  • Providing leadership role in commercial silkworm seed production.
  • Standardizing and instilling quality parameters in the various production processes across silk value chain.
  • Act as a nodal agency to coordinate with State Government and other developmental agencies for the overall development of silk industry.
  • Promotion of Indian Silk in domestic and international markets.
  • Advising the Government on all matters concerning sericulture and silk industry.

Mandate of the CSB R&D Institutes

  • Conduct scientific, technical and economic research to enhance production, productivity and quality of Indian silk.
  • Development of package of practices for host plants, silkworm rearing, post cocoon technology and its dissemination.
  • Commercialization of products, process and technologies with better industry interface.
  • Efforts to reduce input cost & drudgery and by-product utilization to increase net income and productivity.
  • Enhance production of international grade silk for import substitution and earning foreign exchange..
  • Human Resource Development.
  • Maintenance of Breeders’ Stock.
  • Disease & Pest Monitoring and Forecasting & Forewarning.

Mandate of the CSB Seed Organizations

  • Maintain, multiply and supply reproductive seed true to the breeds’ traits/characteristics.
  • Produce/ facilitate commercial silkworm seed production meeting the prescribed quality standards.
  • Introduce new systems/technology in silkworm seed production and provide quality leadership.
  • Guide and bring-in excellence in silkworm seed production by imparting training and technology transfer.

Research & Development Institutes

Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Mysuru, Karnataka.


Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Berhampore, West Bengal


Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Pampore, J & K


Central Tasar Research & Training Institute, Ranchi, Jharkhand


Central Muga Eri Research & Training Institute, Lahdoigarh, Assam


Central Sericultural Germplasm Resources Center, Hosur, Tamil Nadu


Central Silk Technological Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka


Seri-Biotech Research Laboratory, Kodathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka


Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory, Kodathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka


Seed Organizations

National Silkworm Seed Organization (NSSO), Bengaluru, Karnataka


Basic Tasar Silkworm Seed Organization (BTSSO), Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh


Muga Eri Silkworm Seed Organization (MESSO), Guwahati, Assam


News & Announcements

Contact Us

Central Silk Board

CSB Complex, B.T.M. Layout, Madivala Bangalore - 560 068, Karnataka, INDIA

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